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Extending the logger

In addition to the configurable logger options, DogLog also allows you to extend the logger class to add your own custom behavior. This is a great way to simplify common logging flows your team has, and reduce duplicated code in your robot projects.

This guide will walk you through the steps to create a custom logger class that allows you to add your own custom behavior. As an example, we will add in a new log() method to help log motor values.


  1. Add DogLog to your project if you haven’t already:

  2. Create a new file for your extended logger class:

    • Directorysrc
      • Directorymain
        • Directorydeploy/
        • Directoryjava/
          • Directoryfrc/
            • Directoryrobot/
              • Create this file
  3. In the newly created file, paste the following code:

    package frc.robot;
    import com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX;
    import dev.doglog.DogLog;
    public class CustomLogger extends DogLog {
    public static void log(String key, TalonFX motor) {
    log(key + "/StatorCurrent", motor.getStatorCurrent().getValue());
    log(key + "/Position", motor.getPosition().getValue());
    log(key + "/Velocity", motor.getVelocity().getValue());
  4. Replace places where you use DogLog with CustomLogger.

    package frc.robot;
    import com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX;
    import dev.doglog.DogLog;
    public class ExampleClass {
    private final TalonFX motor = new TalonFX(1);
    public void logData() {
    DogLog.log("ExampleMotor/StatorCurrent", motor.getStatorCurrent().getValue());
    DogLog.log("ExampleMotor/Position", motor.getPosition().getValue());
    DogLog.log("ExampleMotor/Velocity", motor.getVelocity().getValue());
    CustomLogger.log("ExampleMotor", motor);