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Migrating from AdvantageKit

DogLog’s AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger class means that it can be used as a drop-in replacement for AdvantageKit logging.

AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger exposes the same exact interface as AdvantageKit’s Logger class, but uses DogLog for all the logging functionality.


  1. Add DogLog to your project if you haven’t already:

  2. Create a new file for the AdvantageKit Logger shim:

    • Directorysrc
      • Directorymain
        • Directorydeploy/
        • Directoryjava/
          • Directoryfrc/
          • Directoryorg
            • Directorylittletonrobotics
              • Directoryjunction
                • Create this file
  3. In the newly created file, paste the following code:

    package org.littletonrobotics.junction;
    import dev.doglog.AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger;
    public class Logger extends AdvantageKitCompatibleLogger {}
  4. Remove AdvantageKit from your project